Workshops and Public Events
"Nature - moving - still" (via Zoom)
From May 27, 24 - every Monday at 7.30 pm - I will be offering 6 movement evenings with Spacial Dynamics via Zoom. The nature meditations of Hazrat Inayat Khan will accompany us. I look forward to you joining us.
Jaimen McMillan writes: "Nature's beauty draws us from solitude - and gives us space to relate." In this Zoom course, we will deepen our experience with movement exercises from Spacial Dynamics (standing and walking). Spacial Dynamics takes up the movements and forms of nature, mainly based on the movements of water. This allows you to discover movement in a new way and with more ease. And communicate more deeply and clearly with yourself and nature.
Please register and I will send you the zoom link.
The cost of the weekly course: according to self-assessment with a guideline of €10 per evening.
Ina Pape, Spacial Dynamics®- Trainer
0157 326292 37
Spirals and vortices. The balance between gravity and lightness in our movements.
When: Weekly, Mondays, 19.00 – 20.00, Wednesdays 09.00–10.00
Where: Bewegungsstudio Gabriele Hurter, Basel, Switzerland
Trainer / Contact: Gabriele and Markus Hurter 078 864 33 85
Austria - Spacial Dynamics® Bothmer Gymnastics and Back Fitness
When: Every Tuesday except school holidays, 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Where: Turnsaal der Volksschule Markt Piesting, Bahngasse 1 2753 Markt Piesting
Trainer: Gabriela Stantejsky,, +43(0)6769560260
„You walk as you feel, and how you walk you will feel!”
Space for spacial Movement – Spacial Dynamics® in Weimar
When: Course and practice sessions every wednesday, 19:45 - 21:00
Wo: Gym Falkstraße / Weimar
Trainer: Maria Göpffarth
movement and regeneration - Eurythmy and Spacial Dynamics®
Walks in the woods and regenerative movement
With Cristina Dal Zio
Madonna di Campiglio c/o l’Hotel Cozzio
31 July - 4 August 2024
In Madonna di Campiglio in the wonderful setting of the Brenta Dolomites, at our hotel ‘Dolomiti Hotel Cozzio’, we offer you 5 days to relax in nature and regenerate your energy practising the magnificent arts of movement: Eurythmy and Spacial Dynamics®.
Walking in a nature that still offers clear, fresh air and water, together with the possibility of relaxing in our wellness centre will allow you to spend serene days of peace and tranquillity.
Contact and reservation
+39 3400856041
2 - 7 AUGUST 2024
Residential Seminar in Casa Laboratorio di CENCI (TR) UMBRIA - ITALY
with Bernard Thiry and Laura Bisognin Lorenzoni
Six days of movement immersed in nature in the open countryside, among meadows and forests, far from busy roads.
In order to break out of habits and regain greater awareness of yourself, others and the world, we will encounter different disciplines of movement contemporary dance, contact dance, Spacial Dynamics®, meditation, martial arts, massage, group games, accompanied by walks and experiences in nature.
Contact and information
+39 3495907004
+33 615643228
Series of workshops (to be confirmed)
When: January 13 - 15, 2024, April, June, October (to be determined)
Wo: Sardinien, Italy, Cagliari 5
Trainer: Bernard Thiry, Laura Lorenzoni