
Thoughts about Space in Times of the Corona Crises

by Gideon Weick, Vancouver 22.03.2020

"Social distancing" forces people to become aware of the space around them. It is interesting to see and feel what occurs between people who would normally hug or touch each other in some way. What happens? They become aware of the space around them. They become aware of the other's awareness. The two meet in the middle, in the space they create through their common awareness.

How spiritual that is! It is something that is worked with in Spatial Dynamics, a description of which is given below.

"Everything you do, think, or create begins with a change of your space. Space is the hidden catalyst of all movement and change. Spacial Dynamics® studies the fluid relationship between human beings and the space around us. It teaches how to optimize that relationship and break the patterns of old behaviors of movement. Thought, intention, and the human body are interconnected through space. We learn to give this surrounding space direction and dynamic. We then move with enhanced ease, grace, aesthetics, and awareness.

Being able to change and adapt are qualities that are vital for any activity. Habits are much easier to create than to change. Habits are formed by repeated movements that are embedded both in the body and in the surrounding spatial gestures/caricatures. Learning to recognize and then change one’s spatial movement patterns is key to being able to change any habit.

More than ever before, the future will depend upon our ability to change."

Here is a wonderful message along similar lines, but in acting.

"Now that one can no longer go to the gym there are other muscles one can train. One is the distancing muscle. Actors know about that. The art in acting is to stretch the distance between two actors on stage. Let’s say in a dialogue. How far can one move apart and not let the space between go slack or even worse dead.

Now that we are all to practice social distancing there is an opportunity to practice this with all and every object around us, the living and the innate. It does not mean we no longer should face the world or each other. On the contrary. On a walk we can chose a tree in the distance or a flower on the ground or a person, the one who sits six feet away from us in the subway and enter the space between oneself and the other object. One can increase the distance to objects one chooses. Most likely it is an empty space at first, maybe even dead, but then one decides to turn one’s attention to it, and one can increase or decrease the consciousness one brings to it. One can flex one’s attention like a muscle. And one begins to feel the space between, the in-between space come to live. It can even take on a certain bounce, with a very subtle vibrating sensation. One can also try out to see how far one can stand apart from someone and still extend that embrace, the caring word and feel the in-between space stay alive. In human relationships it is often either standing too close or too far apart. In both cases the in-between space can be flat and dead when not filled with that intentional consciousness, the attentive interest, called love in its most profound state.
At any moment during the day we can go to that ‘gym’ and exercise the muscle of social distance by trying to bring the in-between space to life."

Gisela Wielki, retired priest of the Christian Community of North America

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